Research and development

Research and development

Electronic Sidestick

Development of Aircraft Simulator Primary Controls Based on Magnetic Technology. Within the framework of the program, based on a newly developed technology takes place of the „new generation” controls.


Integrált műtéti oktató rendszer

A projekt megvalósításának fő célja volt egy olyan integrált műtéti prezentációs és oktató rendszer létrehozása, mely akár valós időben képes műtétek bemutatására az interneten bárhol a világban, és kapcsolódik hozzá egy online rendszerben működő tudástár mely orvosi műtéti technológiákról gyűjt össze képi és hanganyagokat.


PILOTS Simulator Center

Result of our successful K+F activities, is now an accredited training center for professional pilots. Our center is waiting for the lovers of flying with diverse programs in Budapest a few minutes from Boráros square.



The Vetfusion-X is a modern web-based technology anatomy gallery, which effectively helps the veterinarians in diagnostic and therapeutic activities, helps in getting the anatomical knowledge of the veterinary students and practising veterinarians, and by the usage of modern imaging techniques getting the related competencies and deepening their knowledge.



In the course of the project, a web-, and technology based health-information database with high reliability and efficient data processing was implemented on today’s Hungarian emergency care methods.


Magnetic power steering feedback

Magnetic field and aerodynamic media research and development of system components in simulators that provide realistic power steering feedback.


Software development

Furthermore you do not need to use a professional team to work with your company, a software will help you. We offere a simple, user friendly program which does not require an administrator and do not have a team of collagues who keep track of deadlines.
