About Us
The 100% Hungarian ownership background Vatner Kft. was founded in 1999. From the beginning the exactitude and the unbroken persistence characterize the activities of our Company in close cooperation with our business partners let them be hospitals, outpatient clinics, one day surgery and other market participant.

Our Medical Division specializes in the distribution, servicing and development of software for medical technology products. We have a wide range of maintance service for our existing and future healthcare partners: partial or complex institutional medical equipment fleet management, facility management.
As an extension of our service we established in 2014 the first Mobil filter station fraught with CT equipment in Hungary which is not only hospitals, healthcare providers but also available to companies, enterprises and the general public.

There are other activities of our company include health software development, device design and research. Our business has achieved dynamic development in recent years this is due to our nearly 20 years of experience and reliability.